Embodying “Just You” Success

What if your “flaws” are the secret to your success?

What if you can rocket to a whole new level of impact just by being more you?

You’re already successful, and you’re making a difference. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t committed to being authentic, expressing yourself, and changing the world. But if you look closely, there are still small symptoms of hiding.

  • You’re not 100% unfiltered in what you say and how you act. You temper your expression to seem more professional or more socially acceptable. Sometimes you just don’t feel like experiencing other people’s reaction to you. It’s easier to tone it down, and it seems harmless.
  • You find yourself procrastinating the activities that would make you more visible in a big way. Sure, you finish the client work, the errands, and the details, but your big-splash project? Somehow there never seems to be enough time for that.
  • You’ve outgrown your branding and marketing. You feel a little twinge when you hand someone a business card or send them to your website. Even your elevator pitch feels shopworn. Yet you keep using it because it’s what you’ve got.

You’re not alone.

It’s easy to get to this level of success without even realizing how much more is possible. After all, what you’ve already built is beyond most people’s dreams. But there’s more!

  • Imagine being so utterly in harmony with yourself that it’s a treat to be you. Your life, your work, your marketing, your play time—it all feels like one joy-filled dance with the Divine.
  • Imagine loving your clients, getting them best-in-class results, and knowing that you’re fulfilling your purpose and making an impact.
  • Imagine fearlessly expressing your full self everywhere you go.
  • Imagine being so captivating that your right people are irresistibly drawn to you.
  • Imagine truly creating and living your dream life:
    • doing the work you love and excel at
    • connecting deeply with clients, peers, friends, family, and a love partner
    • being known and respected for who you are and what you create in the world
    • having abundant money and resources for everything you need and want
    • having plenty of time to rest, go on vacation, work out, enjoy your family, and have fun
    • continuing to transform and step into larger visions and greater levels of success

I know this is possible for you, because I’ve been there.

From the time when I started my blog (back in 2010), I believed in expressing my authentic truth—and I did. (It was easy at first, when nobody was reading!)

I thought I was as real as I could be. And then I went to coaching school. I discovered that, as real as I thought I was, I was still trying to pass for “normal.” Sure, I could write about my fears and hurts, but I felt that the full force of my enthusiasm was just too loud. I couldn’t let anyone see that—or how hard I tried, or how much I wanted, or how nerdy I really am.

The greatest gift I got from coaching school was learning to accept myself for who I am, and dropping my fear of being seen. I carried this new energy into my business, and it brought me a far greater level of success than I had experienced before: success with elated peace. I found that I didn’t have to hustle 24/7 any more. My new flavor of success could come with ease.

Again, I thought I had “arrived” at my fullest expression. And then I discovered areas where I was still holding back.

As I’ve peeled away each layer of film, two things have happened: business has gotten easier, and life has gotten a whole lot more fun. The more filters and fear I let go, the bigger my vision gets, the more inspiring my experience is, and the more my life fills with joy.

If you’re an online business owner and you’re here to change the world, I want you to experience this, too!

That’s why I’ve created Embodying Just You Success.

In this program, we’ll create the level of self-love and expression that will lead to your next big leap in abundant success.

  • The program starts with a Clarity, Creation & Recharge private retreat, where we’ll work together to get crystal clear on who you are in your business and your life, and how to express it fully. We’ll have more one-on-one retreats throughout the program to support you in making giant leaps forward.
  • I’ll create branding and marketing materials to express your Big Why, your brand promise, your personality, and your offer to the world in a way that instantly captivates your dream clients. Imagine being so in love with your message and marketing materials that you can’t resist sharing them—and everyone who sees them says, “wow!” That’s what you’ll get, including a new logo, sales copy, and website that are totally YOU!
  • You’ll become a published author—the person who wrote the book on Your Thing. We’ll craft your book to tell the world what you do, what you’re about, and why it’s so important. I’ll edit, design, and publish it to be every bit as high in quality as any book in the bookstore. Then we’ll use it to bring in clients and other opportunities like interviews and speaking gigs. (Don’t worry if you hate writing—we can do it by audio.)
  • We’ll refresh your offerings to match your new level of clarity with who you are, what you do, and the value you deliver. We’ll build a story arc to develop strangers into raving fans and fans into clients with your grand launch or relaunch.
  • We’ll optimize your business to support your dream life. By automating, eliminating, or outsourcing the parts that are not your Zone of Genius, we’ll free you up for more of what you love and more of what feeds you—resulting a virtuous cycle of higher energy leading to even greater success, abundance, and ease.
  • During the program, you’ll build the connections and relationships that will take your career to the stratosphere.
  • I’ll coach you through the inevitable thresholds and backdrafts along the way, so that you integrate and anchor your new levels of expression and success. This way, your dream life becomes your “new normal.”

This program is not for everyone. The truth is, most people are not ready for this level of honesty or visibility. The kind of success that doesn’t come from the grind is too foreign to believe or comprehend. But if you’re here, there’s a reason. I don’t believe you’ve read this far by accident.

  • What would it mean for you to not just accept yourself, but love and adore yourself completely?
  • What would it mean for your business to be powered by your deepest expression of self?
  • What if you truly stepped into your greatness?
  • How would it feel to drop the fear and self-consciousness, and dwell in a place beyond the rules?
  • What if your life and business success could feel like playing hooky on the first sunny day of spring?

That’s what Just You success is all about. If it’s calling to you, apply below. Where the desire is present, the way to fulfill it is also present.

Update: I’m not currently accepting private clients, so this program is closed.